"Soli Deo Gloria "


We cordially welcome all of you to Xicom Lab hoping a greatly impressing moment keeps flourishing into every steps in your daily life. ¡®Xicom Lab¡¯, the acronym of visual and virtual reality computing laboratory aims at pursing researches in the media soft areas including facial synthesis, material rendering, visual computing, virtual reality and brain computer interface. Xicom Lab is always open to qualified applicants for research assistant positions. Let us run together. Just do it!


Research Interests 

¡¤         Visual Computing

¡¤         Virtual Reality/Augmented Reality

¡¤         Material Rendering

¡¤         Computer Graphics

¡¤         Brain Computer Interface

¡¤         Facial Synthesis



Principal Investigator

¡¤         Name : Seongah CHIN 

¡¤         Academic Position : Professor, Division of Media Software, College of IT Engineering, Sungkyul University

¡¤         Dean of Job+ Center

¡¤         Director of XICOM LAB (Visual and Virtual Reality Computing Lab.) since 2001.                                                             

¡¤         Phone : +82-31-467-****

¡¤         Fax : +82-31-467-8067 

¡¤         Office : College of IT Engineering, #517     

¡¤         Homepage : http://xicomlab.re.kr

¡¤         Email : solideochin@gmail.com, solideo@sungkyul.edu


Dr. Seongah Chin is a full professor, dean of job plus center, director of virtual reality and visual computing laboratory named XICOM LAB, at Sungkyul University, South Korea. He is a former Director of Industry-Academy Cooperation Foundation. He received his Ph.D. degree in Computer Science from Stevens Institute of Technology, USA in 1999. He has published more than one hundred papers including leading journals, IEEE Transactions on SMC, Multimedia Systems, Virtual Reality, Journal of Visual Language and Computing, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Color Research and Applications, Computers in Industry, IEEE Transactions on CE, Computer Assisted Surgery, Journal of Sensors, Journal of Bio-Medical Materials and Engineering and Virtual Reality Software Technology etc. His research outcomes have mainly been supported by the competitive funding such as IITP, NRF, KOSEF, SMBA, MOCIE and KOFAC. He also worked as a research Professor at the Department of Media Technology at Sogang University in Seoul, South Korea. He spent two sabbatical leaves collaborating with the Department of Industrial and System Engineering, Wayne State University in USA, at MAGIC (Multi-plAtform Game Innovation Center), Nanyang Technological University in Singapore and Interactive Computing Lab, KAIST in Korea as a visiting scholar and professor. Currently, Dr. Chin is serving as an editorial board member, general chair, program committee, invited and keynote speaker in his expertise. Dr. Chin¡¯s research interests include virtual reality, physically-based material rendering, human computer interaction, computer graphics, facial modeling and computer vision.


Current Member

¡¤         Changjo Sung, Xicom Lab. Sungkyul Universsity, Interaction, Game Programming, VR/AR

¡¤         Kyuongsoo Park, Xicom Lab. Sungkyul Universsity, Machine Learning, Computer Vision

¡¤         Seohyun Kim, Xicom Lab. Sungkyul Universsity, Cloud Computing, Server Programming

¡¤         Chaelim Lee, Xicom Lab. Sungkyul Universsity, VR Interaction, 3D Modeling

¡¤         Seunghyun Noh, Xicom Lab, Sungkyul University, Game Programming, VR/AR

¡¤         Minyoung Choo, Xicom Lab, Sungkyul University, Game Programming, VR/AR



¡¤         Yongho Lee, Dongbu Group

¡¤         Junghwan Lee, Korea University, Ph.D, National Forensic Service (NFS)

¡¤         Haejin Park, Ewha Womans University, Ph.D course

¡¤         Jongkyeong Park, DXP Lab, Korea University, MS, KT Convergence Institute

¡¤         Sungyeun Kim, FedEx Korea

¡¤         Jinsoo Oh, Korea University, MS

¡¤         Chung-Yeon Lee, Bio Intelligence Lab, Computer Sci.&Eng., Seoul National University, Ph.D 

¡¤         Jaedong Lee, KT Convergence Institute, Ph.D, DXP Lab. Korea University

¡¤         Yonghee Park, Software company

¡¤         Sangyong Lee, DXP Lab, Korea University, Ph.D course, Financial Supervisory Service

¡¤         Taejin Kim, Hanyang University, MS, LikeLion

¡¤         Sunglim Lee, Software company

¡¤         Seonghyeon Moon, NETMARBLE

¡¤         Seonghee Lee, Startup

¡¤         Seungdo Kim, Game Company

¡¤         Wonsun Lee, D¡¯strict Arttech Factory, CJ Group

¡¤         Taeyoung Choi, NEXON Korea

¡¤         Chullhee Lee, Virnect

¡¤         Sungin Hong, HANTLE

¡¤         Gangrae Park, Hanyang University, CALAB, Ph.D course

¡¤         Byungseok Lee, SKU

¡¤         Seokhyun Ghan, SW company

¡¤         Donghui Lee, Peligood

¡¤         Hyunmin Choi

¡¤         Keonhee Park, Hanyang University, HCI Lab. MS course, SPTeK

¡¤         Yoochang Yoon, Virnect

¡¤         Jaeseok Yoo, Chung-Ang University, Graphics Realization Lab. MS course

¡¤         Kiyeol Park, SKU

¡¤         Sanghyun Kil, SKU

¡¤         Dongmin Moon, INODEV

¡¤         Yunji Seok, SKU

¡¤         Yerang Park, IDIS

¡¤         Sangwook Yoo, LG U+

¡¤         Cheongho Lee, Nexon Games

¡¤         Sol Han, Xicom Lab, Sungkyul University

¡¤         Junghyun Kim, Xicom Lab, Sungkyul University

¡¤         Yunhwan Lee, Xicom Lab, Sungkyul University


Publication Synopsis 

¡¤         SCI(E) Journals, including IEEE Transactions on Systems Man and Cybernetics, Multimedia Systems, Journal of Visual Language and Computing, Computer Animation and Virtual Worlds, Virtual Reality, Color Research and Applications, AI-EDAM, COL, IEEE Transactions on CE, International Journal of Advanced Robotic Systems, Computers in Industry, Computer Assisted Surgery, Imaging Science, The Scientific World Journal, Mathematical Problems in Engineering, Journal of Sensors, Journal of Bio-medical Materials and Engineering, Journal of Imaging Science and Technology, Applied Science, Electronics and etc.

¡¤         Scopus and NRF Journals, including Information, IJCVR, Subconscious Learning via Games & Social Media and IEIE, KGS, and KSCG Journal etc.

¡¤         International Proceedings, including VRST2019, VRST2018, HCI2017, CASA2011, CASA2013 etc.


Representative achievements


¡¤         Biological Properties-based Artificial Scar Synthesis using Inverse Lighting :


 The present study proposes a method to extract and apply biological properties to naturally realize a scar texture on the skin. The ratio of melanin to hemoglobin in the skin, which determines inter- and intra-individual variations in skin appearance, is extracted as a biological property. First, a color table is defined using parameterized biological properties. Using an inverse-lighting equation that we define, biological parameters and rendering parameters are extracted from a single obtained or downloaded scar image without taking a picture of a scar directly. The extracted parameters are used to realize the most appropriate scar on the actual skin. To express the geometric depth of the scar, a tessellation process is employed. Finally, we provide the experimental results from the evaluation of our method.





¡¤         Structural Motion Grammar for Universal use of Leap Motion: Amusement and Functional Contents Focused :


Motions using Leap Motion controller are not standardized while the use of it is spreading in media contents. Each content defines its own motions, thereby creating confusion for users. Therefore, to alleviate user inconvenience, this study categorized the commonly used motion by amusement and functional contents and defined the Structural Motion Grammar that can be universally used based on the classification. To this end, the Motion Lexicon was defined, which is a fundamental motion vocabulary, and an algorithm that enables real-time recognition of Structural Motion Grammar was developed. Moreover, the proposed method was verified by user evaluation and quantitative comparison tests.

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¡¤         Virtual Figure Model Crafting with VR HMD and Leap Motion  :


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Handcrafting has been used for purposes ranging from learning and entertainment to stress relief. However, clay art and handicrafts require specialized space and physical materials. In this paper, we propose a virtual figure model crafting system (VFMC) that is developed to allow users to directly experience the figure model crafting process using a head-mounted, display-based, virtual reality environment. In the proposed system, users can freely generate the shape of a figure and decorate its exterior. In  order to provide realistic crafting user experiences, we leverage motion grammar-based gestural input with Leap Motion and consider the support of multiple difficulty levels for user engagement. The preliminary user study results confirm that the proposed system provides immersive and interactive crafting experiences in a virtual environment.





¡¤         Multi-layer Structural Wound Synthesis on 3D Face :


In this research, we propose multi-layer structural wound synthesis on a 3D face. The fundamental knowledge of the facial skin is derived from the structure of tissue, being composed of epidermis, dermis, and subcutis. The approach first defines the facial tissue depth map to measure details at various locations on the face. Each layer of skin in a wound image has been determined by hue-based segmentation. In addition, we have employed disparity parameters to realise 3D depth in order to make a wound model volumetric. Finally, we validate our methods using 3D wound simulation experiments.




¡¤         Novel real-time wound recovery synthesis on a 3d face using subsurface scattering :


In this approach, we propose a model of wound contraction and multi-layered skin shading, which represents wound healing on a 3D face. A wound is normally recovered in four phases, namely, hemostasis, inflammatory, proliferative, and remodeling. In order to represent the recovery of a wound, the H3 model is used for determining the size of the wound, which is in the middle of the healing process. Further, to realize color transformation of a wound, our subsurface scattering of the wound is designed to take into consideration multi-layered skin structures of the wound. Finally, we validate our methods using 3D wound simulation experiments with shading models.




¡¤         Novel irregular mesh tagging algorithm for wound synthesis on a 3D face :


Recently, advanced visualizing techniques in computer graphics have considerably enhanced the visual appearance of synthetic models. To realize enhanced visual graphics for synthetic medical effects, the first step followed by rendering techniques involves attaching albedo textures to the region where a certain graphic is to be rendered. For instance, in order to render wound textures efficiently, the first step is to recognize the area where the user wants to attach a wound. However, in general, face indices are not stored in sequential order, which makes sub-texturing difficult. In this paper, we present a novel mesh tagging algorithm that utilizes a task for mesh traversals and level extension in the general case of a wound sub-texture mapping and a selected region deformation in a three-dimensional (3D) model. This method works automatically on both regular and irregular mesh surfaces. The approach consists of mesh selection (MS), mesh leveling (ML), and mesh tagging (MT). To validate our approach, we performed experiments for synthesizing wounds on a 3D face model and on a simulated mesh.



¡¤         Optimal Model of Optical Parameter Extraction for Material Rendering :


Material rendering has been actively studied in the graphics field. To express human skin or various materials realistically, shading technology that can reflect the physical features of a material is needed. The core factor in rendering is optical parameters, and the accuracy of these parameters based on the material¡¯s optical features determines the rendering quality. The parameters required for rendering are extracted with a spectrographic optical shooting device and by curve fitting. Existing processes for parameter extraction require significant time. To overcome this disadvantage, we produced an HDRI (high dynamic range image) generating program with exposure fusion algorithm. The number of LDRIs (low dynamic range images) for an HDRI was optimized through an experiment. In addition, the amount of sample data, which mostly affect extraction time in automated systems, can be optimized to reduce time loss during the photo-shoot, fusion and extraction processes.





¡¤         Method of combining spectrophotometer and optical imaging equipment to extract optical parameters :


Optical parameters of materials are used for implementing cinematic rendering in the field of graphics. Critical elements for extracting these optical characteristics are the accuracy of the extracted parameters and the required time for extraction. In this paper, a novel method for improving these elements and a comparison to the existing methodology is presented. By using a spectrophotometer and custom designed optical imaging equipment (OIE), our method made it possible to enhance accuracy and accelerate computing speed by reducing the number of unknowns in the fitting equations. Further, we validated the superiority of the extracted optical characteristic parameters with a rendering simulation.




¡¤           Subsurface scattering-based object rendering techniques for smartphone games :


Subsurface scattering that simulates the path of a light through the material in a scene, is one of the advanced rendering techniques in the field of computer graphics society. Since it takes a number of long operations, it cannot be easily implemented in real-time smartphone games. In this paper, we propose a subsurface scattering-based object rendering technique that is optimized for smartphone games. We employ our subsurface scattering method that is utilized for a real-time smartphone game. And an example game is designed to validate how the proposed method can be operated seamlessly in real time. Finally, we show the comparison results between bidirectional reflectance distribution function, bidirectional scattering distribution function and our proposed subsurface scattering method on a smartphone game.




¡¤         Physiological parameters for skin rendering using spectrophotometer :


In this study, we apply skin data extracted from a spectrophotometer to a rendering model. We first divide the skin layers into the epidermis and dermis layers and then obtain the absorption and scattering coefficients for the wavelengths that match each skin layer. The absorption coefficient for each wavelength reflects the hemoglobin and melanin levels. Then, we store the percentage values of the hemoglobin and melanin levels as a table in a database and find from the database the hemoglobin and melanin levels closest to the skin color of a person, as  obtained with a spectrophotometer.



¡¤         A color scheme supporting technique based on hierarchical scene structure for exterior design of urban scenes in 3D :


In the research we propose a method for color scheme supporting system for exterior color design of urban scene in 3Dandconduct the user study for validations of color scheming. The realized simulator allows users to simulate harmonized coloring schemes for an urban color design in 3D with selection of a dominant color and sub-colors automatically. The technical approaches are composed of designing a color scheming table based on color guideline, extracting the face color form an image collected from a real scene, and conducting color scheming on the 3D scene. The method enhances efficiency with respect to reducing processing cost by improving the fact that color schemes are mostly dependent on experts and by utilizing the task for automatic color scheme in 3D as well. In addition, the 3D simulator provides interactivity for users in which it increase flexibility for manipulation of 3D simulated scenes by changing viewpoints rotating, zooming and navigating it as well. The experimental results and the user study are presented.




¡¤         An automatic method for motion capture-based exaggeration of facial expressions with personality types :


Facial expressions have always attracted considerable attention as a form of non-verbal communication. In graphical applications such as movies, games and animations, people tend to be interested about exaggerated expressions rather than regular expressions since the exaggerated ones deliver clear emotions. In this paper, we propose an automatic method for exaggerations of facial expressions from motion captured data with a certain personality type. These exaggerations are created by using exaggeration mapping that transforms facial motions into exaggerated motions. As all individuals do not have identical personalities, a conceptual mapping of the individual¡¯s personality type for exaggerating facial expressions needs to be considered. A popular method for classifying personality types is the Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI), which is employed to define the personality-type-based exaggeration mapping. Further, we have experimentally validated the exaggeration mapping and simulations of facial expressions.


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¡¤         Personality Trait and Facial Expression Filter-Based Brain Computer Interface :


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In this research, we present technical approaches that bridge the gap in research related to the use of a brain-computer interface for entertainment and facial expressions. Such facial expressions that reflect an individual¡¯s personal trait can be used to better realize artificial facial expressions in gaming environment based on brain-computer interface. First, an emotion extraction filter is introduced in order to classify emotions on the basis of the users¡¯ brain signals in real time. Next, a personality trait filter is defined to classify extrovert and introvert types, which manifest five traits: very extrovert, extrovert, medium, introvert, and very introvert. In addition, facial expressions derived from expression rates are obtained by an extrovert-introvert fuzzy model through its defuzzification process. Finally, we confirm this validation via an analysis of variance on the personality trait filter, k-fold cross validation on the emotion extraction filter, an accuracy analysis, a user study of facial synthesis, and a test case game.




¡¤         Expressive 3D Face for Mobile Devices :


Beyond a digital appliance, a mobile device now increases quality of life by providing ease of access to value-adding information. To further enhance the usage of a mobile device, media customization technology should be embedded into the mobile devices. Humanoid/anthropomorphic avatars are considered as a user-friendly technology to realize the media customization environment. This research formulates a computerized and expressive 3D face, which can be utilized as a mobile avatar. Input pictures are obtained by a built-in mobile camera and the associated customized 3D face is systematically generated in the mobile device. Six facial expressions are simulated by facial muscle motions embedded in the 3D mobile face. The generated 3D mobile face and expressions are exported to other compatible formats to increase usability. Finally, the system validation is conducted by a focus group study.



¡¤         Emotional Intensity-based Facial Expression Cloning for Low Polygonal Applications :


In this paper, we present a simple and efficient emotional intensity-based expression cloning process for low polygonal-based applications, by generating a customized face, as well as by cloning facial expressions. We define intensity mappings to measure expression intensity. Once a source expression is determined by a set of suitable parameter values in a customized 3D face and its embedded muscles, expressions for any target face(s) can be easily cloned by using the same set of parameters. Through experimental study, including facial expression simulation and cloning with intensity mapping, our research reconfirms traditional psychological findings. Additionally, we discuss the method¡¯s overall usability and how it allows us to automatically adjust a customized face with embedded facial muscles while mimicking the user¡¯s facial configuration, expression, and intensity.


Research Grants and Project

¡¤         ¡°XR Hair styling,¡± NRF, June. 2021 – current, Principal Investigator

¡¤         ¡°Job Plus Center,¡± March. 2022 – current, Ministry of Employment and Labor, Director

¡¤         ¡°Digital New Software¡¤AI Camp,¡±, Dec. 2022 – May. 2023, Co-Principal Investigator

¡¤         ¡°A Study on User Convenience in Immersive Content Creation,¡± IITP, June. 2022 – Dec. 2022, Principal Investigator

¡¤         ¡°Feel real with Graphitic-based XR,¡± NRF, June. 2018 –2021, Principal Investigator

¡¤         ¡°Virtual Clay Art with Leap Motion,¡± NRF, Nov. 2015 – Oct. 2018, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Physically-based cinematic material rendering for real-time gameplay" KEIT, 2nd year, September 2013 – Aug. 2015, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Scar synthesis on 3d face," NRF 4th  & 5th year," NRF, May 2013 – April 2015, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Dimentia-Prevention Game Techniques using Leap Motion,¡± KOFAC, June 2014 – May 2015, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "An enhanced real-time rendering technique for smartphone games," KOFAC, September 2013 – Feb. 2014, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Wound synthesis 2nd year," NRF, May. 2011 – April. 2012, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Super-realistic Face 1st year," NRF, May. 2010 – April. 2011, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Bio-info based FEC for entertainment," KOSEF, May. 2009 – April 2010, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Selected as a Leading Technology," SMBA, Nov. 2008 – Oct. 2009, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Exaggeration of facial expression synthesis," KRF, July 2008 – June 2009, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "SCOPE : Smart Coloring Pipeline," KSF, June 2008 – May 2009, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Mobile based 3D Virtual Face System," MOCIE, March 2006 – September 2006, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "MTP Program for fostering Experts in Digital Contents," KRF, Nov. 2005 – Oct. 2007, Co-Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Virtual Music Therapy for Autism," POSCO & KUCSS, Oct.2005 - Feb. 2006, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Engineering-Based Web3D Technology," MOCIE, Jan. 2005 - Aug. 2005, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Producing Multimedia Contents," K-center, Oct. 2004 - Dec. 2004, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Building Web information system," KUCSS, July 19th - Sep. 10, 2004, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Korean Internet Volunteers," MIC, July. 2002, Feb. 2004, Principal Investigator

¡¤         "Use of Motion capture data for 3D character animation," KSEF, March 2000 - April 2001

¡¤         "Facial Expression Retargeting to New Characters," SMBA, March 2000 - April 2001

¡¤         "Interactive Television," Netro TV,  July 2000 - Feb. 2001

¡¤         "Vesalius Project (Cyber Medical Anatomy)," Stevens Institute of Technology, July 1997 - August 1998


Research Services

¡¤         Chair, the Organizing Committee, IPACT2024 and IIBC2024 Conference June 28-29, Seoul, The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology and The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication

¡¤         General Chair, 10th IIBC2023 Conference, Nov. 16, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication.

¡¤         Vice President of Collaboration, Currently IIBC, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication.

¡¤         Chair of the Academic Committee, Currently IIBC, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication.

¡¤         Chair, the Organizing Committee, IPACT2023, June 27, Seoul, The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology.

¡¤         Chair, the Organizing Committee, IIBC2022, Nov. 18, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication.

¡¤         Chair, the Organizing Committee, IPACT2022, June 24, Seoul, The International Promotion Agency of Culture Technology.

¡¤         Keynotes Speaker, TISG2021, Dec. 15., 2021, Guangzhou, China, Title: Physic-based Modeling and Rendering.

¡¤         Guest Editor, Topic Editor, Applied Science, Title: Recent Advances on VR/AR/MR and Post Covid-19.

¡¤         Co-Editor, TPC, TISG2021, The International Conference on Technological Innovation and Social Governance

December 14th -16th, 2021, Guangzhou, China

¡¤         Editorial Board, Recent Patent on Engineering 2019-current

¡¤         General Chair, AMMS2020, International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, Shanghai, Sep. 2020 

¡¤         Keynotes Speaker, AMMS2020, International Conference on Applied Mathematics, Modeling and Simulation, Shanghai, Sep. 2020 

¡¤         General Chair, AMMSO2019, 2019 International Conf. on Applied Math., Modeling, Simulation and Optimization, Guilin, April, 21-22, 2019

¡¤         General Chair, MSOTA 2018: Modeling Simulation Optimization Techniques and Applications 2018, Xiamen, Nov. 25-26, 2018

¡¤         Keynote Speaker, ICCSIE 2018: Structural Motion Grammar and Virtual Figure Model Crafting, Xi¡¯an, Sep. 21-22, 2018

¡¤         General Chair, MSO 2018: Modeling Simulation Optimization 2018, Shenzhen, Jan. 21-22, 2018

¡¤         General Chair, ECNE 2017: Electronics, Communications and Network Engineering, Hongkong, June. 23-24, 2017

¡¤         Invited Speaker, Acne scar and scar synthesis system using height map and improved subsurface scattering color Model, ICBEB 2017, Oct. 20, 2017

¡¤         Special Tutorial, Computer Game & Graphics, Computer Engineering Dept., YUST, May. 08 – June 01, 2017

¡¤         Keynote speaker, Photo realistic rasterization in Games using PBR, AMEIT 2017: International Conference on Advances in Management Engineering and Information Technology 2017, Shanghai, April. 23-24, 2017

¡¤         Invited Talk, Physically based rendering: Photo-realistic Games, Computer Engineering Department ANU, Jordan, March. 8th 2017,

¡¤         Keynote speaker, Physically based rendering: Game Perspective, IWSBT 2016, Dec. 3rd, Sejong Univ.

¡¤         Invited Talk, Physically based rendering in Games, July.2016, MAGIC, Nanyang Technological University, Aug. 2016

¡¤         Invited Talk, Cinematic Games with PBR, Graduate school seminar, KSE, KAIST, Sep. 2016

¡¤         Tutorial, HCI KOREA 2016, Physically-based Material Rendering

¡¤         Journal of Multimodal User Interface, Lead Guest Editor 2016 

¡¤         ISSS2014, Multimedia2014, Multimedia 2015, Program Committee

¡¤         UMAS2013, Multimedia2013, IDCTA2013, ICCM2013, ISSDM2013, Program Committee

¡¤         ICEI 2011, ICACT2011, SHOM2011, ICCIT2011, NCM2011, NISS 2011, Macao, China, Program Committee

¡¤         BIOCOMP2010, CGVR2010, IPCV2010, SAM2010. Las Vegas, Nevada, USA, Program Committee

¡¤         ICIS2010(3rd International Conference on Information Science and Interactive Science), Program committee

¡¤         INC2010(6th International Conference Networked Computing), Program committee

¡¤         NCM2010(6th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS, IDC), Program committee

¡¤         NISS2010(4th International Conference on New Trends in Information Science and Service Science), Program committee

¡¤         CGVR2009(the 2009 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA), Program Committee

¡¤         IPCV2009(The 2009 International Conference on Image Processing, Computer Vision, and Pattern Recognition), Program Committee

¡¤         NCM 2009(the 5th International Joint Conference on INC, IMS, IDC), Program committee

¡¤         Journal of WSCG, Europe, Journal Editorial Board, 2006 – 2008

¡¤         ICCIT2009 (the Fourth International Conference on Convergence and hybrid Information Technology), Program Committee

¡¤         CGVR2008 (the 2008 International Conference on Computer Graphics and Virtual Reality, Las Vegas, Nevada, USA), Program committee

¡¤         ICCIT2008 (the Third International Conference on Convergence and hybrid Information Technology), International Research Committee

¡¤         WSCG2008 (The 15th International Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Czech Republic), Board of Referees

¡¤         WSCG2007 (The 14th International Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Czech Republic), Board of Referees

¡¤         ICIC2006(International Conference on Intelligent Computing), Poster Session Chair

¡¤         WSCG2005 (The 13th International Conf. in Central Europe on Computer Graphics, Visualization and Computer Vision, Czech Republic), Board of Referees

¡¤         IDEAL2004 (The 5th International Conf. on Intelligent Data Engineering and Automated Learning, UK ), Board of Referees

¡¤         The 2nd International Conf. on subjects Relating to Clay Problem, 2002, Invited Speaker

¡¤         Computer Standard & Interface, External Reviewers

¡¤         JAADS, External Reviewers

¡¤         Electronic Letters, External Reviewers, Computer Aided Design, External Reviewers

¡¤         Chinese Optics Letters, External Reviewers

¡¤         KRF, ITA, MIC, MOCIE, KOCCA, ITEP etc.: Board of Referees, Consultant

¡¤         Korea Information Assurance Society, Korea, Board of Directors, 2006 – 2010

¡¤         Korea Information Assurance Society, Korea, Journal Editorial Board, 2006 – 2010

¡¤         The Institute of Electronics Engineers of Korea, Computer Society Committee, Board of Directors, 2009 – Present



¡¤         Exaggerated facial expressions with personality types, Patent Registration # 10-1116838

¡¤         PDA based 3D face creating system and method, Patent Registration # 10-0827749

¡¤         Technology transfer on 10-0827749

¡¤         Color mining based intelligent Web3D coloring scheme, Patent Registration#10-1011968

¡¤         Apparatus for rendering 3d Object, #13-87501

¡¤         Apparatus for rendering 3d Object using optic parameter, #13-87500

¡¤         Subsurface scattering method for smartphone games #10-2014-0023062


Awards and Honors

¡¤         1st ranked(out of 87 teams), Korea Internet Volunteer Program awarded by Minister of Information and Communication (Korea Gov.), April, 2004

¡¤         1st ranked, Anyang venture valley software competition (title : Web3D intelligent home-network simulation, advisor), awarded by Anyang venture valley consortium, Oct. 2005

¡¤         3rd ranked(out of 45 teams), Korea Internet Volunteer Program awarded by Minister of Information and Communication (Korea Gov.), Oct. 2002

¡¤         3rd ranked, Anyang venture valley software competition (title : 3D product manual, advisor), awarded by Anyang venture valley consortium, Oct. 2004

¡¤         1st  ranked, research grant award in 2009, Sungkyul University, Feb. 2009

¡¤         1st  ranked, research grant award in 2010, Sungkyul University, Feb. 2010

¡¤         2nd ranked, research grant award in 2023, Sungkyul University, Feb. 2023

¡¤         2nd ranked, research accomplishment award in 2008, Sungkyul University, Feb. 2009

¡¤         2nd ranked, research accomplishment award in 2012, Sungkyul University, June. 2013

¡¤         SKU Achievement Award, Sungkyul University, April. 2022

¡¤         Academic Research Award, Deputy Prime Minister and Minister of Education, May, 2023

¡¤         IIBC Achievement Award, Jan. 05, 2024, IIBC, The Institute of Internet, Broadcasting and Communication.

¡¤         Best Paper Award, ¡°Extraction of Personalized Skin Rendering Parameters using Spectrophotometer,¡± AGST2013, June, 2013

¡¤         Best Paper Presentation, ¡°Vivid Face in Games using Brain Computer Interface,¡± IEEK Fall Conference, Feb. 2011

¡¤         Best Paper included into JCAVA, ¡°Multi-layer Structural Wound Synthesis on 3d Face,¡± CASA 2011

¡¤         Best Paper Presentation, ¡°Realistic Facial-Expression Modeling for Intelligent Game Design,¡± Game Conference Dec. 2012

¡¤         Best Paper Presentation, ¡°Interactive Cultural Content Using Finger Motion and HMD VR,¡± HSST Fall Conference, July, 2016

¡¤         Best Paper, ¡°Hair Styling matching using FCN for VR hair styling contents,¡± Fall Conference, ISAAC2021, Sep. 2021

¡¤         Best Paper, ¡°Shading in hair styling,¡± IIBC2022, Nov. 2022

¡¤         Best Paper, ¡°Hair Style Classification and 3D Hair Modeling for Koreans in consideration of Metaverse Usage Environment,¡± IPACT2023

¡¤         Best Paper, ¡°Let¡¯s add Intelligence to Lead Climbing,¡± IPACT2024

¡¤         Invited and indexed by ABI, American Biographical Institute, Great Mind of the 21st Century, 2007/2008

¡¤         Invited and indexed by IBC, Cambridge, England, 2000 Outstanding Scientists 2008/2009

¡¤         Invited and Indexed by Marquis Who¡¯s Who in the World, in America, and Science and Engineering 2008/2009-current

Employment Records

¡¤         Full Professor, College of IT Engineering, Sungkyul University, 2001 – Present

¡¤         Director, XICOM LAB. http://xicomlab.re.kr

¡¤         Visiting Professor, Computer Engineering Dept., YUST, China, April. 2017 – July. 2017

¡¤         Visiting Research Professor, Interactive Computing Lab., KAIST,  Sep. 2016 – Jan. 2017

¡¤         Visiting Research Professor, MAGIC, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore, July 2016 – Sep. 2016

¡¤         Technical Consultant, Mentoring, Korea Safety Education Association, Oct. 2014 – Dec. 2014

¡¤         Visiting Research Professor, Detroit, Wayne State University, March 2007 – Feb. 2008

¡¤         Technical Consultant, Dreamscape, Jan. 2005 - Aug. 2006

¡¤         Technical Consultant, Motion Technology, Jan. 2002-Dec. 2003

¡¤         Research Professor, Department of Media Technology, Graduate School of Media Communication, Sogang University, July 2000 - Feb. 2001 

¡¤         Lecturer, Kyunghee University, Sungkyul University, Seoul National University of Technology, March 2000 - June 2000 

¡¤         Teaching Assistant, Department of Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, Hoboken, NJ, Jan. 1998 - May 1999



¡¤         Computer Graphics for junior

¡¤         Artificial Intelligence for senior

¡¤         Algorithm for sophomore

¡¤         Capstone Design, senior


Courses Taught

¡¤         Problem Solving with JAVA, Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology

¡¤         Operating System", Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology, SKU

¡¤         Data Structures in C++, Computer Science, Stevens Institute of Technology

¡¤         Visual Basic, Liberal arts and Sciences, Kyunghee University

¡¤         Artificial Intelligence, SKU

¡¤         Algorithm, SKU

¡¤         Pattern Recognition, SKU

¡¤         Unix System Programming, SKU

¡¤         Computer Graphics, SKU

¡¤         Discrete Mathematics, SKU

¡¤         Differential and Integral Calculus, SKU

¡¤         Virtual Reality, SKU

¡¤         Image Processing, SKU


Major Social Services

¡¤         Vision Trip, Sagdi, Tajikistan, QuittoEquador, Pune: India, Jordan, China 2002, 2007, 2011, 2017

¡¤         Korea Internet Volunteers (supported by MIC and KADO), Vietnam Korea Tech. Co-operation Center, Hanoi, Vietnam, Feb. 9th - 29th, 2004

¡¤         Social program associating with majors (supported by KUCSS), Building Web information system, July 19th - Sep. 10, 2004

¡¤         Korea Internet Volunteers (supported by MIC and KADO), Sugdien-Korea Association for Economic & Cultural Exchange, Sagdi, Tajikistan, Aug. 9th - 23th, 2002